Louise (not her real name), an 8-year-old child from Bordentown, had difficulty with aggression, anxiety and interacting poorly with others. She was unable to live at home with her siblings because of her extreme difficulty with behavioral and impulse controls. Being diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder, associated with early childhood trauma, there were significant behavioral concerns. Some of the behaviors she displayed include being easily distracted and fidgeting, lacking patience, getting in trouble frequently, having tantrums, defying rules, being excessively stubborn, angry, resentful, initiating fights, pushing others around and being physically cruel to others.
Noel (not her real name), an adult woman suffered from depression “all her life,” as she described it. Over the years, she had been under medical care with trials of many medications with little success. During her first visit, her mood was low, and she could barely describe her situation without crying. Despite all the medication she was taking, she felt anxious, depressed, spacy, and vulnerable. Her inability to focus and follow through satisfactorily with responsibilities gave her great concern for her job and possible demotion. Home life was another struggle with school age children needing the motherly attention that her limited mental energy could not allow. Her reservoir of energy had been on empty for such a long time, and she was feeling much less resilient.
Paulie (not his real name), a 6th grader, struggled with school work, homework and on-task behaviors. Additionally, he was a challenge for his teachers and parents, with hyperactivity, oppositionality and impulsivity as part of their behavioral concerns.
Andy (not his real name), a 12-year-old, had difficulty at home and school with anger and rage issues, as well as ADHD. Behaviors were often defiant and uncooperative.
He was destructive from a young age. Besides always seeming restless and even anxious, he could not stay on task and was very disorganized. He often reported stomach discomfort. Medication did not seem to be helping all these troubling behaviors, which were negatively affecting him at home and school, both socially and academically.
Collette (not her real name) was a very sad 8 year old child. She struggled in school, had difficulty focusing, completing her class work and considered herself “dumb.” She was easily distracted and often misplaced things. Because of panic attacks she asked to be home schooled. She reported feeling rejected on the playground, complained of stomach aches and cried easily. Mother was concerned that she was quickly losing confidence. Mother reported a forehead injury, when as a toddler, Collette fell down a few stairs on to a ceramic floor.
Lana, not her real name, a young adult from Buckingham, suffered severe panic attacks since 9 th grade that increasingly disrupted her lifestyle. Her social and personal life were severely limited, and she struggled with maintaining any equilibrium. Multiple hospitalizations and medical interventions were unable to stabilize her constant emotional state of recurring anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.
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