Holly tested positive for Attention Deficit Disorder. Results of an electroencephalogram
provided information as to the exact nature of the attention problem. Neurofeedback was
started immediately and Holly began to perk up at the office, home and school. She
smiled more and seemed happier. Her teachers were happy to report that homework and
class work were improving as Holly continued to make progress with her twice weekly
neurofeedback sessions.

Parents were still noticing some academic difficulty even after her attention improved.
Believing there was a possibility of a learning problem, her parents pushed for an
evaluation by the school. This was done in order to assess Holly’s ability and level of
success in different academic areas. As a result of the evaluation, a reading disability
was identified. Once the reading disability was identified, a plan for remediation could
be initiated. In Holly’s case, it appeared that ADD symptoms masked her reading
problem. As is often the case, once the attention issues are addressed, academic problem
becomes more evident.

Holly’s case is not unusual. Often times, several problems occur together, making the
situation appear very confusing. By isolating the ADD and treating it with
neurofeedback, parents were able to recognize and address underlying learning issues.
We at Achievement & Wellness Center provide solutions for attention and learning

Contact Us by Phone for a Free Consultation Today: 215-321-9502

Blog Post: Neurofeedback Rescues from Severe Concussion

Lana, not her real name, a young adult from Buckingham, suffered severe panic attacks since 9 th grade that increasingly disrupted her lifestyle. Her social and personal life were severely limited, and she struggled with maintaining any equilibrium. Multiple hospitalizations and medical interventions were unable to stabilize her constant emotional state of recurring anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.

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