Concussion & Stroke

Stroke and concussions are the result of injury to the brain. In stroke, the injury can be a result of excessive bleeding that damages specific cortical tissue and reduces function in the areas of the body it controls. In concussion, the injury is the result of an impact to the brain. Concussion can be characterized by a period of unconsciousness. Individuals suffering from a concussion can often suffer from post-concussive syndrome, which is a group of physical, cognitive and emotional changes occurring in varying degrees. These changes can include mood changes, memory loss, emotional problems, sleep problems, reading or speaking problems, understanding what is being said and attention and concentration problems, to name a few. Emotional or personality symptoms can include irritability, anxiety, mood swings, depression, low tolerance for frustration and explosive temper.

Individuals with concussions often feel “isolated” and are unable to resume normal functions. Concussions are cumulative and multiple concussions increase impairment levels.

How can neurofeedback help stroke and concussion? A quantitative electoencephalogram (QEEG) helps to identify the affected cortical areas and the specific brain wave difficulties that then serve as a guide for neurofeedback training

Treatment of stroke and concussion requires a thorough evaluation that includes medical history, neuropsychological assessments, mental status examinations and information from relevant medical professionals as well as the QEEG results.

To schedule your appointment, please call us at 215.321.9502. For your convenience, you can use our online Request an Appointment form.

Blog Post: Neurofeedback Rescues from Severe Concussion

Lana, not her real name, a young adult from Buckingham, suffered severe panic attacks since 9 th grade that increasingly disrupted her lifestyle. Her social and personal life were severely limited, and she struggled with maintaining any equilibrium. Multiple hospitalizations and medical interventions were unable to stabilize her constant emotional state of recurring anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.

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